Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Τι μπορεί να σημαίνουν οι παρακάτω οδηγίες προφύλαξης?

Ορίστε μερικές αυθόρμητες επεξηγήσεις.

If you are sprayed with an unknown substance, stand and think about it instead of seeing a doctor.

Use your flashlight to lift the walls right off of you!

The proper way to eliminate smallpox is to wash with soap, water and at least one(1) armless hand.

If a door is closed, karate chop it open.

If your building collapses, give yourself a blowjob while waiting to be rescued.

If your lungs and stomach start talking, stand with your arms akimbo until they stop.

If you lose a contact lens during a chemical attack, do not stop to look for it.

Do not drive a stations wagon if a power pole is protruding from the hood.

Περισσότερα εδώ.


evita said...

Καλοοοο χχααχαχαχα έχω λύσει απο το γέλιο!!!!!

Γκρινιάρης said...


Blogaki said...

χεχεχε!! Πολύ καλά!!

jul said...

πολυ καλο κοτοσαλατα μου!!!!